10. Sid sijbrandij $263million ( CEO of Sytse "Sid"  )

9.Alex kark$264 million CEO palantir Technologies

8. Tomer Weinstein $275 (Co-founder and CEO of sentinel one )

7. joseph bae $279 million  Assumes the role of ceo at KKR

6. Sue nabi $ 278 million ceo coty 

5. Tom siebel $343 million Chairman and CEO of C3.ai

4. Peter Rawlinson $ 575 CEO  lucid motor of Electric vehicle

3. Tim Cook $853 million CEO Apple company

2. Robert scaring $2.3 billion  Chief executive officer of Rivian Automotive

1. Elon Musk $10.1, billion Ceo Tesla space X and twitter

Top 10 Engineering Universities in Usa