Today we are going to know about 10 such foods that have almost 0 calories. Recently a lot of people have followed these choices for their food and they have been able to see a great weight loss for themselves.
10. Coconut water
The first food is coconut water. A glass of coconut water contains about 19 calories. It is full of electrolytes and also makes you feel very satisfied.
So whenever you feel like drinking something sweet or soda, you can always include coconut water as it is highly recommended for your hydrogen and is also a very low-calorie food.

9. Cucumber
100gm contains approximately 15 calories. It is extremely low in calories and also cucumber contains 98% water. So after eating cucumber, you feel satiated. It also hydrates you. By including Kheer in your mid-morning snack and mid-evening snack, you can lose weight very easily and quickly.
Studies have shown that Kheer helps a lot in controlling weight by controlling your blood sugar levels and also does not give you an insulin spike when you eat your meal. So it is a great almost 0-calorie food for weight loss.

8. Watermelon
100 grams of watermelon contains only 30 calories. And about 98% of watermelon is water which keeps you hydrated and also gives you a very satisfying feeling.
Adding watermelon to your breakfast can definitely help you eat less during your other meals and also give you the benefits of hydrogen

Also Read:- 10 Best zero calorie Drinks for Extreme Fat Loss
7. Sugar-free chewing gum
Zero-calorie gum is our all-time favorite sugar-free chewing gum. There are a lot of chewing gums available in the market but you always prefer the low-sugar or zero-sugar chewing gum that is available to you.A small piece of gum contains only five calories and also helps give you a good feeling
Satiety also reduces your appetite so whenever you feel like eating something or feel hungry then include chewing gum in your diet and you will surely see good results

6. Apple
100 grams of this has only 52 calories but it gives you a lot of satisfaction because it is high in carbohydrates, but of course, it is a great source of fiber antioxidants potassium
Surely this is a great recipe with almost 0 calories. Now let’s see which vegetables we can eat in 100 grams.

5. Cauliflower
100 grams of cauliflower contains only 25 calories which is a big deal when it comes to your ketogenic diet plans. When it comes to your breakfast you can always include cauliflower in the form of rice. Grate the cauliflower and your rice is ready with almost 0 calories and absolutely zero calories.
Next time you prepare rice, think of cauliflower as a rice substitute and enjoy your zero carb and zero calorie rice alternative

4. Mushrooms 🍄
100 grams of mushrooms only have 28 calories so they are a great addition to your stir fry dishes or as a snack. Simply grill them in a grill pan or bake mushrooms. They are great for bone health, rich in antioxidants and aid in weight loss.

3. Lauki
Bottle gourd or lauki is a zero-calorie vegetable which is found in almost every vegetable and is every mother’s favorite. When it comes to your vegetable intake you can always go for lauki. It is high in fiber, rich in antioxidants, and definitely a great source of fiber as well. People who are suffering from diabetes should definitely include lauki in their daily diet.
100 grams of bottled gourd or portal garden contains only 17 calories which is almost 0 calories and it can be eaten with roti rice

0-calorie food is a salad. In both of these, you can very easily grow lettuce in your kitchen garden and include it in each and every meal as a salad. You can simply replace it with your roti salad or use it or make a wrap and have it with curry vegetables. Now you will be surprised to know that 100 grams of salad contains only 17 calories.
Definitely a great source of bread replacement and can be used as a wrap for great and massive weight loss.

1. Beetroot
100 grams of beetroot contains only 43 grams of calories, so whenever you want to eat something, eat beetroot because the benefits of beetroot are very good for the skin.
Those who eat beetroot a day to improve their collagen-boosting guru will definitely see a huge difference in their skin with each passing day

10 Super Foods are almost 0-calorie food options for weight loss Create personalized or customized diet plans for your daily or daily choices of healthy nutritious superfoods and include all these foods in your kidney bean diet
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